Fisheye Lens Acquired

After year of retouching skate photos for multiple skateboard magazines, I finally have my own fisheye lens. Here’s my first fisheye skate shot, that I shot. Ricky Plancich. Ollie. El Segundo. April 15th, 2019. Oh yeah, I designed that graphic as well…

Miscellaneous Promotional Material


My job as Creative Director for enjoi skateboarding is extremely fast paced. I am constantly making board graphics, t-shirt graphics, managing artists, creating digital and print marketing materials, etc…So when I get to see my work in Taiwan, signed by the team and held by a happy fan it really makes it all worth it. PHOTO BY: Kenji

Skateboarder Magazine opening spreads

These are all opening spreads that I designed around 2009 thru 2011. (I was the Art Director of Skateboarder Magazine from 2005 until 2013). I’m really happy that I caught the tail end of the magazine era and was able to experiment and learn doing monthly magazine print layouts. Skateboarder Magazine was put to bed (and I was out of a job) when the parent company bought the Transworld magazine group in 2013. They decided to focus their attention on Transworld Skateboarding (TWS). Yesterday, TWS announced that they were ceasing their print publication. #RIPrint

Cairo Foster's retirement surprise party + deck design

I designed Cairo Foster’s final professional skateboard graphic for enjoi skateboards. Here are a few shots I took at his surprise retirement party. (He retired-himself but he didn’t know when it was happening).

Here’s coverage of the event from both THRASHER and TWS

Even more coverage of Cairo’s retirement HERE

2018 Long Beach Christmas Parade

Had fun shooting the 2018 Long Beach, Christmas Parade only with available light.

Hey, I designed those socks!


Hey! I designed those socks! The original enjoi deck graphic was called Kitten Dreams and was a Jerry Hsu deck graphic. It was later turned into a couple Cairo Foster graphics and then even a My Little Pony graphic. I took the artwork and reworked it into the socks that you see above. The image is designed so it is seamless and works all the way around the sock, with no noticeable beginning or end. Image via: JENNYISGOLDEN

My boy, Eric Northman

Sunday morning dog walk. I considered photoshopping out the sun reflection. Really happy with the colors and composition. Thanks for modeling Eric!

Sunday morning dog walk. I considered photoshopping out the sun reflection. Really happy with the colors and composition. Thanks for modeling Eric!

BA Motors' Hell on Heels

British American Motorcycles' Hell on Heels drag Race. July 29th, 2018. Signal Hill, California.

24-70mm 2.8 Lens Aquired :)

This is a nice lens cannot wait to see what else it can do.

Buff mallgrab product sighting on the gram!


It is always cool to see your work pop-up. Especially in a viral Instagram post. I designed that completely pink skateboard. Traditionally, the enjoi panda has been black on white. I mixed it up, making him pink on pink and it has been selling well. It has even achieved Tech Deck form.

FUN FACT: The name for the pink complete originates from HERE.

Here are some other happy Hi. My Name Is Pinky proud owners from a quick #hashtag search.

Skateboarding Hall of Fame 2018

I went to the Skateboarding Hall of fame this past Friday and was happy to see two signed Guy Mariano covers I designed on the large Look Back Library display. Congratulations Guy, and all of the other inductees.